Thursday, January 03, 2008

She's no angel, he's no saint

This tune popped up on my iPod today. One of my favorites:

Bad lovers face to face in the morning

Shy apologies and polite regrets

Slow dances that left no warning of

Outraged glances and indiscreet yawning

Good manners and bad breath get you nowhere

Even presidents have newspaper lovers

Ministers go crawling under covers

She's no angel

He's no saint

They're all covered up with whitewash and grease paint

And you say...


The teacher never told you anything but white lies

But you never see the lies

And you believe

Oh you know you have been captured

You feel so civilized

And you look so pretty in your new lace sleeves

The salty lips of the socialite sisters

With their continental fingers that have

Never seen working blisters

Oh I know they've got their problems

I wish I was one of them

They say daddy's coming home soon

With his sergeant stripes and his Empire mug and spoon

No more fast buck

When are they gonna learn their lesson

When are they gonna stop all of these victory processions

And you say...


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Funny! I was thinking about Elvis Costello today too -- y'know, as you do. I have been listening to "Blood and Chocolate" these days and appreciating him more and more. And I recently bought "Imperial Bedroom" used, so am rediscovering that too. He has called New Lace Sleeves the best-ever performance by the Attractions; I'm not one to argue.