Wednesday, January 16, 2008

He stunk then and he stinks now

I can't stand Larry the Cable Guy. I thought he was the worst thing out there. Until I saw this clip of Dan Whitney before he became "Larry the Cable Guy."


JCN said...

+1 for this, sir.

mugwatch said...

I couldn't even take a full minute of that.

D.W. Jones said...

Yeah, the "Freight Train" is awful. No arguing that. And he's just as awful today. No question.

But I have to give him at least some credit for staying in character constantly. Constantly. He has to pretend to be that loathsome "Larry the Cable Guy" every time he's seen in public. That must get exhausting. But of course, without any other recognizable talent, it's the only thing keeping him employed.

And you have to admit, those Z Cavariccis are pretty kick ass.

Kath said...

my dad loves larry the cable guy. LOVES.

Hackett said...

I had to bail around 2:10 ( Yuma?). Wow, was that bad. And nothing sucks worse than a comedian that cannot handle his verbal crutches. Ugh!