Friday, April 27, 2007


John Ness is crazy. A few months ago, John introduced to me the idea of doing a video sports blog in association with AOL. Well, more specifically, a video baseball blog, because I find most other sports repellent. In a lot of ways, I am like baseball: lazy, boring, and occasionally gay. Needless to say, I never thought John would actually pursue working with a marginally talented lunatic. So after Dan Aykroyd turned him down, he called me again.

I sent John a few "pilot" bits, the lighting and sound for which is reminiscent of dorm-room pornos. The only thing missing is the fake and incessant moaning of a drunken sorority girl. Here's one of them:

Believe me, watching my giant, melon head float in space even for a minute is terrifying. What is more terrifying is that the site John supervises gets something in the ballpark of 15 MILLION hits a month. It's got to be good. It's got to be smart. It's got to be a minute long each spot. Quick and hilarious. Like sex with me.


Matthew said...

This guy's really from Boston and has a wicked thick Masshole accent. Is he doin' a bit?

mugwatch said...

Weird, this looks just like one of the dorm-room pornos I used to make. Well, sans the high-fives and jumping jacks . . . and velcro.

JCN said...

Then it's settled. Twice as many high-fives going forward.

Hackett said...
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Hackett said...

Skeletor's definitely juicin'. His bicep is huger than his skull C'mon!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Mom.

Kath said...

oh. my. god. is hot girl really your mom? i think i just peed myself.