Monday, April 07, 2008

Only four more shows!

The first four shows were amazing and now you only have four shows left to see:

My Dead Mother is Funnier Than You

ArcLight Theatre, 152 West 71st Street (b/w Broadway and Columbus)
April 3 - 6 and April 10 - 13
Thursday through Saturday 8pm, Sunday 3pm

Tickets available through

Seriously, people like it.


Hackett said...

Great to see you again, sir.

Anonymous said...

This show is seriously funny. Nervously funny. Deadly funny. Doggedly funny.
-Anonymous (anonymous comments aren't always the worst)

Kath said...

did higgins hate it? he looked terrified when i saw him. or like he smelled something foul. which might've been me, quite frankly.